Book: KBR inc. B 840 (La histoiria de la linda Melosina)

Created 14 July 1489


Format: 1523: ung moien livre, qui ce nomme De l'histoire de Melusine, en latin [sic]


  • La Historia de la linda Melosina
  • Printer(s):

  • Jean Parix
  • Stephan Clebat
  • Ownership Details

    Margaret of Austria, duchess of Savoy, Ownership Confirmed (post-July 1497-1 December 1530) by Inventory.

    Mary of Hungary, queen consort of Hungary and Bohemia, Ownership Confirmed (December 1530-18 October 1558) by Inventory.


    Zeldenrust, Lydia. The Mélusine Romance in Medieval Europe: Translation, Circulation, and Material Contexts (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2020).

    Debae, Marguerite. La Bibliothèque de Marguerite d'Autriche: Essai de reconstitution d'après l'inventaire de 1523-1524 (Louvain: Peeters, 1995).: 363-65, Item 230